Tim Lamanのインスタグラム(timlaman) - 8月28日 08時48分

Photo by @Tim Laman. Exploring #GunungPalung National Park, Borneo, Indonesia. There is nothing quite as refreshing as a cool waterfall in a lush tropical rain forest. This is Riam Berasap, the “Falls of the Mists”, the largest waterfall in #GunungPalungNationalPark. A little-known gem of Borneo’s remaining pristine rain forests. After a drive from Ketapang and a motorbike shuttle to the trailhead, it was only a 3 hr hike to these spectacular falls for our team including @waysusanto, @the_endrosetiawan, @rrsuro, @RussLaman and Jessica Laman. #waterfall, #refreshing, #rainforest, #Kalimantan, #IndonesiaBiodiversity, #Borneo, #Indonesia, @saveGPorangutans, @thephotosociety, @natgeocreative.


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