ピーター・リンドバーグのインスタグラム(therealpeterlindbergh) - 8月29日 11時14分

Kate Moss, Upstate New York, 1994.
#aDifferentVisionOnFashionPhotography @kunsthal "One of Lindbergh’s and Moss’s most famous photographs is often referred to as an homage to Paul Strand’s masterpiece Young Boy (Gondeville, Charente, France) from 1951. Lindbergh’s personal notes reveal that the image from the 1994 Harper’s Bazaar story 'A Star Is Born' is an “accidental” classic, as it was initially supposed to be shot with Madonna, whom Lindbergh shot later the same year for Harper's Bazaar US. Thanks to the pop icon’s conflicting schedule, Moss had the opportunity to shoot one of Lindbergh’s most iconic images. A fake wallpaper background was first used, but Lindbergh asked for it to be removed as he thought it didn’t work with the storyline. In December 2014, Lindbergh, who wanted to focus on the new and different woman Moss had become, produced a black-and-white story for Italian Vogue with Moss wearing almost no makeup in a classic Lindbergh set." Personal notes, contact sheets and polaroids on view at #KunsthalRotterdam from September 10th #KateMoss #Madonna #aStarIsBorn @Harper's BAZAAR @taschen #PeterLindbergh @2bmanagement @gagosiangallery


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