エミリー・ハリントンのインスタグラム(emilyaharrington) - 8月25日 01時17分

Day missions to the Hulk = ensured wrecked-ness, sore feet, fast food for dinner, and so much appreciation to Mother Nature that this piece of rock exists. @アレックス・オノルド and I quested up "Solar Flare" (5.12d) yesterday with a comedic gong show to document (that's you @jimmy_chin @jonglassberg @daveallfrey - we love you ?). Happy to report that we both sent - Honnold with the onsight/flash and me with a few attempts on the slabtastic crux pitches. Then Alex was adamant that we go to the true summit "because we sent and Peter [Croft] would be disappointed if we didn't" so we went full alpine and simul-ed up and over another 300ft or so on sketchy sand ledges and loose gendarmes to the cumbre. Mega day, gorgeous route, solid crew. Nothing more to ask for. And thanks Peter Croft and @コンラッド・アンカー for putting up a most excellent route - legends in every way!! @ザ・ノースフェイス #neverstopexploring #whatwouldpeterdo


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