クリス・バーカードのインスタグラム(chrisburkard) - 8月23日 03時15分

Last winter we had this crazy idea...To shoot Surfing under the Northern Lights. At first it seemed impossible just to find the guys willing to buy into such a crazy idea & the technology to shoot it. But typically anything worth doing feels a bit crazy at first.

I couldn't be more stoke to finally release www.UnderanArcticSky.com - a site dedicated to the film we are currently making with @sweatpantsmedia About the experience. set to release next winter. Stay tuned & sign up for tour dates etc - And please try to check it on a computer ( not just your phone) I promise it will be worth it.
PS none of the images were composited or made with photoshop- they were shot at extremely high ISO during a full moon and peak Aurora.


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