ケイト・キャンベルのインスタグラム(cate_campbell) - 8月22日 15時44分

And that's a wrap on Rio 2016. A cold and rainy night may have been an apt way to close this chapter of my career. There are so many things I wish I could do differently, but what I would not change for the world is the wonderful team I have been a part of. It has been an honour and a privilege to represent Australia along side my Dolphins teammates and the whole Olympic Team.
There is a beautiful Chinese proverb that says "when the heart weeps for what it has lost, the spirit rejoices for what it has found". And this time, my spirit has found the Australian spirit. I have never felt less deserving of your support and it was in my moment of need that you were there for me. Thank you for the past week, you have made the next 4 years seem achievable. Whatever the future brings, be rest assured that I have and always will give 100% for Australia, just as you all have given me 100% this past week. Thank you Australia, I'll be seeing you all soon!!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




