thephotosocietyのインスタグラム(thephotosociety) - 8月15日 05時40分

Photo by Michael George @migeophoto // Travel makes the world feel smaller. You look on a map and suddenly understand the large and complex places that used to feel far away. I now know travel does the same to large and complex problems. Climate change is a big issue. It is potentially the largest issue humanity has ever tried to solve together. Because of that scale, the problem can feel impossible to face and hard to understand. It can be easier to deny than to confront. I am from Florida where my friends who are looking to buy houses are being warned that certain properties will be under water by the time their kids are grown. In Patagonia I saw waterfalls, rivers, and endless small streams pouring from glaciers where normally, at this time, the season is turning toward winter. My time in Chile helped me see the complete picture: The cause and effect. The melting ice and rising tides. // #patagoniaculture #ActonClimate #ClimateChange #TorresdelPaine #Patagonia #Chile #Globalwarming #meltingglaciers #saveourglaciers


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