thephotosocietyのインスタグラム(thephotosociety) - 6月28日 10時57分

Photo by Michael George @migeophoto // A whimsical contrast between
water and fire. I've never been anywhere like the final stretch of
"The Subway" in Zion National Park. This 9-mile roundtrip hike
requires a permit and we chose to go from the Bottom-Up, whereas this
man was doing the opposite: The Top-Down route is a "strenuous
9.5-mile hike that requires rappelling skills, 60 feet of rope, and
extensive route finding experience." Once you get down this wall, you
have to swim through freezing cold pools to continue. However! If you
head the other direction you'll discover a hidden waterfall that is
quite magical. To reach the entrance of the Bottoms-Up route, you must
drive 15 miles out of Zion Canyon and budget 10 - 12 hours for the
day. Good luck! // #ZionNationalPark #TheSubwayZion #ZionSubway
#SaveourParks #Utah #Rapell #Rapelling


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