ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 5月14日 10時16分

Dogs aren’t the only pets that crave outdoor exercise. Just look at Henry, an African spurred tortoise that was photographed by @hiroko.masuike. In March, his owner placed a Craigslist ad seeking “a responsible animal lover” to take Henry — @thenotortoisebig — to the park on weekdays. Applications poured in from around the world, but a former art student named Amalia McCallister got the job. On Monday, Amalia took @thenotortoisebig to @centralparknyc. “The way you can tell where’s a good spot for Henry is if there are weeds or dandelions,” she told @ニューヨーク・タイムズ. “Because there’s no pesticides there, so he can eat the grass. He also really loves to eat dandelions. It’s like a field full of French fries for him.” She presented the 17-pound #tortoise with a small bouquet of dandelions: a feast offering. A couple of hours later, back home in Harlem, @thenotortoisebig ambled off to the bedroom, where he sat with his head toward the wall, motionless. You could imagine him dreaming of dandelions. #?


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