ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 5月14日 04時51分

“You have to walk toward the things that make you alive,” said @leslieodomjr, who plays the ambitious antihero Aaron Burr in @hamiltonmusical. When Lin-Manuel Miranda invited @leslieodomjr to an informal workshop in 2013, it had been only a few years since @leslieodomjr shot a TV pilot for a show that didn’t get picked up. He’d been so disheartened about acting that he started applying for jobs as a hotel clerk. But as an audience member at a reading of the first act of @hamiltonmusical earlier that summer, he had been moved to tears. So he leapt into action. Now, @leslieodomjr is a @thetonyawards nominee. In the meantime, he’s still trying to improve his performance in the show he fought so hard to join. “Until I levitate, I have work to do,” he said. “That’s the day I’ll retire. When I actually fly.” @lovebryan photographed @leslieodomjr.


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