キャメロン・ラッセルのインスタグラム(cameronrussell) - 4月27日 03時09分

As women, or gender non conforming, or trans folk, how do you find the confidence to listen to your intuition when compromising it at work can *sometimes* make your pay higher / your boss happier / your work life easier in the short term?
Yesterday I learned that 1 out of every 6 women is employed in some part of the fashion industry. Yet no matter what part of the supply chain you visit, men are in charge. I've been thinking a lot about how to listen to my intuition better, and make sure the women around me can as well, so I want to know all the ways you do it. Grateful, in advance, for your answers. ? ?

@gurlstalk said it best, "I think, for me, I used to feel as if I was fighting against the fast-paced movement of social media, and I saw it in a negative view, but now it has opened up this other world for me. It's showing me other people who are passionate about the same things that I am, who are using it for much more than just taking a selfie, and who are building a community. I have girls that I'm only in contact through the Internet. We know everything about each other. It's weird, but it's really a genuine and authentic relationship... For so many years I felt so different. Now I've found, in this other dimension, all these people that are feeling and going through the same things that I am..."#letsgetgurlstalking #girlstalk


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