イザベル・ルーカスのインスタグラム(isabellucas) - 4月22日 15時31分

The earth is 70% water and coincidentally, so are we... We literally hold the same ratio of water in our bodies.
As we know, the moon is the influencer of the ocean's tides, so it makes sense that the moon's silvery magic has an influential sway over us, our bodies and emotions.
Quantum physics has shown us that the Universe is interconnected, that the observed and observer can no longer be separated.
May we be reminded on this full moon, we breathe the same air, we drink the same water, we are warmed by the same sun.
May we keep expanding our awareness beyond the illusory lines of separation and awaken to the realization of our oneness, our interwoveness.
#fullmoon #water#sacred #ocean #tides #interwoven #moonlight


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