Cory Richardsのインスタグラム(coryrichards) - 4月2日 05時16分

The hues of dawn from high on the South Side of Everest. It's a view I've never seen with my own eyes. This year with any luck, alongside @adrianballinger as our first expedition with @エディー・バウアー, I hope to see it from the summit without oxygen, having climbed from the North side in order to avoid the icefall. We'll be documenting our trip on SnapChat under EverestNoFilter and our personal accounts, crichardsphoto and aidrianjb as well as our Instagram accounts. If you have any interest in going for one last mellow training hike with us, we'll be meeting at Mt. Sanitas in Boulder on Sunday at 3:00 p.m. Feel free to join!!!! #EverestNoFilter #liveyouradventure


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