Sarah Ramadanのインスタグラム(fightforgrowth) - 2月17日 13時58分

Eating was hard, breathing was hard. But living was the hardest part.
I could count calories with precision. I could avoid mirrors like the plague. I knew secrets were concealed best in silence, and I knew emptiness by contrasting my life to those embedded by the fullness of light.
I could starve my body, succumb it to nothing. I could be confined in a box. Simplified in composition, diminished in dimension. Yet as I practiced the rules of beauty, I felt nothing but hollow.
For in the depths of the disorder, living was always the hardest part.
I lived by the taunting tales of anorexia,
I was seesawing at the lines of ambivalence for years, but two years ago, everything changed. These discoveries did not unravel in passive patience. These moments did not manifest in an instant.
My life is an ongoing story, just like yours. We unravel and we bloom each and everyday. We are the writers and illustrators, and the spaces in between. Voids do not exist for mere emptiness, but rather for the abundance of opportunity discovered along the way. As the world reads on, we continue through capacities that cannot be simplified in composition.
We cannot be diminished in dimension.
I learn this each and every day?
Stay strong everyone; ?#FightForGrowth #TransformationTuesday #VeniVidivici


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