ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 1月31日 11時54分

Members of the audience listened raptly as @バーニー・サンダース, a #Democratic presidential candidate, spoke at a campaign event at @grinnellcollege in Grinnell, Iowa, on Monday. As @バーニー・サンダース swung through Iowa this past week, the Vermont senator rarely passed up a chance to bash the rising tide of money in politics, a system he said on Tuesday was “corrupt and undermining American democracy.” In the week leading up to the #Iowacaucuses, the number of photographers we have on #nytassignment in Iowa has grown rapidly. @maxwhittaker, who took this photograph, is one of 8 photographers covering Monday’s big event. This #nytweekender is all about visual connections. Follow along, and see if you can spot the similarity between each photo and the one that came before it.


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