ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 1月30日 09時00分

For years, Boris Tuberman and David Shapiro — the 2 owners of the Russian and Turkish Baths in New York City’s East Village — have split their business down the middle, running it on alternate weeks. Although they have separate corporations, they share expenses and the costs of repairs. On “David weeks,” as they’re called, there is a new crowd. “The hipsters come in with their Groupons, sporting their tattoos and their man buns,” said Rich Trince, 50, a longtime regular. On “Boris weeks,” the regulars are still “vaguely Slavic, vaguely paunchy,” said Charles Kramer, a 62-year-old lawyer — and another regular. This system has thoroughly confused people who arrive with a Groupon on the wrong week. But at least half the time, the bizarre arrangement has worked to preserve something of the old world of the shvitz. @nicole_craine photographed Gary Hope, 48, getting a platza, or oak-branch thrashing, on a “Boris week” at the Russian and Turkish Baths.


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