ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 1月29日 22時00分

"It seems absurd to admit that in the whirl of daily life I missed so many small particularities of the place I called home for over 13 years. And yet I did." When the writer Mahesh Rao (@mraozing) returned to London after time away, he found a new perspective on once-familiar things.

We’re looking for your photos of a place you’ve suddenly seen through fresh eyes. Maybe it’s your hometown, or perhaps it's somewhere you lived for a while. Photograph something — a striking street name, a strange storefront, an oddly-shaped building — you once overlooked but now treasure. (For inspiration, look to this image taken by the photographer @tom__jamieson yesterday in London’s Soho neighborhood.) In your caption, tell us what city you’re in and why you feel a newfound appreciation for this view. Your story is important to us, so please don't forget to include a caption. Post your photo with the hashtag #ThroughFreshEyes. We’re looking for photos you took yourself. No selfies, please. We’ll reach out if we would like to feature your image on nytimes.com.


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