マーク・ジェイコブスのインスタグラム(themarcjacobs) - 1月28日 07時43分

Part II - Lili and Oli

I was introduced to Oli Burslem (lead singer of the band, Yak) through Steve Mackey. Steve is the music producer for our fashion shows and also happens to be producing Yak’s album. Upon Katie’s mention that Oli’s girlfriend was Lili Sumner, we decided to photograph them together with Tracy Antonopoulos and Vinny Michaud.

Tracy and Vinny were discovered through a large “street casting” initiative led by Anita Bitton. In the spirit of this collection, as it was so heavily influenced by New York City, Anita scouted clubs, bars, galleries, restaurants, hair salons, and so on in a tireless effort to find people with distinctive characters or personalities to join these “groups” and our family.

Tracy, Vinny, Lili and Oli photographed by David Sims for Spring/Summer 2016.

@oliburslem @lilisumner @vinnymichaud @the_cable_girl_


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