エミリー・ハリントンのインスタグラム(emilyaharrington) - 1月1日 01時14分

2015 gave me some of the very best and very worst moments. All too brief tastes of victory and triumph, which made the more common crushing disappointment of defeat and failure more palatable. There were moments of laughter and cursing in the same breathe and tears a result of every emotion. Epic whippers, gruesome offwidths, altitude headaches, erupting volcanoes, wind that tore us to pieces, avalanches, and the ugliest snow ever skied. But mostly those who I shared all of that with are what stands out. This year I was blessed with the best partners in crime, solo scramblers, tent mates, snuggle buddies, ever so patient bandalooping belay slaves, trail breakers, hot water chefs, 8 thousand meter glissaders, pizza french fried shredders, and tequila swillin' hot springs lovin' fantastically fun clampon-clad alpineers in training. Nothing could have been accomplished or even attempted without them. And that includes anyone who's ever commented or given into the urge to double tap on a photo I've posted. You all rock and keep the stoke high. So thanks. Happy New Year. Let's keep it rolling. My sponsors rule too: @ザ・ノースフェイス, @petzl_official, @jaybirdsport, @lasportivana, @Smith, @adventuremedicalkits #??


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