ジェマ・アトキンソンのインスタグラム(glouiseatkinson) - 12月28日 18時27分

Lifting weights makes woman bulky... Right? WRONG!!! BELIEVE IT OR NOT IM AROUND 1 STONE HEAVIER IN THE PINK BIKINI BUT WITH A LOT LESS BODY FAT. It's hard enough for men to get 'bulky' and it's them who have all the testosterone! Trust me, us ladies don't have anywhere near enough testosterone to look like a dude... On the left was me before I began weight training. I did the odd bit of cardio & didn't really pay attention to my diet. Far from overweight I know, but I was tired, sluggish, had Regular breakouts on my skin & lacked energy. On the right is me after only 4 months into weight training and eating a clean diet with the odd 'treat' thrown in (ain't no one taking away my pizzas!) ? I'm Leaner, stronger, fitter but most importantly HAPPIER & HEALTHIER. So ladies, next time you hear 'you'll look like a man' or 'you'll get too bulky' just politely smile, thank them for their opinion then go pick up some heavy ass Dumbbells! ?? It really has changed my life and it'll change yours too. #girlswholift #strongwomen


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