TIME Magazineのインスタグラム(time) - 12月17日 05時56分

TIME's Top 10 Photos of 2015. Each photograph, carefully culled from thousands and presented here unranked, reflects a unique and powerful point of view that represents the best of photojournalism this year. TIME's photo editors selected photographs from critical news stories, such as the terror attacks in Paris. The picture that struck us most was from @ap.images' Peter Dejong who photographed a man carrying two children as panic broke out during an homage to victims. The terror and emotion he captured on their faces is striking. "Somebody started screaming around the corner from Le Petit Cambodge, and in a split second my brain started raccing weary of what the crowd would do," says Dejong. "I literally shot two images focusing on the person that appeared to stand still holding two children." Read more from each #photographer at lightbox.time.com. #topten #bestof2015 #parisattacks


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