トレーシー・キスのインスタグラム(tracykissdotcom) - 8月24日 21時23分

Do you know what I love about unicorns? The fact that they don't sweat the small stuff. They don't have to worry about their weight or set an alarm in the morning to get up for work, they don't pay taxes or get married, they just chill out in nonexistance looking all pretty and pooping glitter. Sometimes we take life too seriously, turn a mountain into a mole hill and cling onto the things we have lost rather than looking at the true blessings we have. Take a rainbow coloured leaf out of the non existing unicorn book and say neigh to negativity ????? #unicorn #whysoserious #unicorns #unicornio #unicornhair #lightenup #relax #chill #easy #simple #smile #happy #girl #jumper #varsity #college #fashion #beauty #style #fitness #blogger #model #jeans #ootd #lotd #wiwt #fblogger

[BIHAKUEN]UVシールド(UVShield) 更年期に悩んだら

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