ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 6月9日 05時56分

How do you photograph a black hole? Hoping to make the first portrait of the hungry monster at the center of our galaxy, astronomers built "a telescope as big as the world." The Large Millimeter Telescope, shown here, sits more than 15,000 feet high on the peak of the dormant volcano Sierra Negra in #Mexico. It’s the nerve center for the Event Horizon Telescope, a network of antennas that reaches from Spain to Hawaii to Chile. If the team succeeds, the images it captures could be in textbooks forever as definitive evidence of Einstein’s prediction that black holes are real. In March, @meridithkohut photographed scientists checking the Large Millimeter Telescope for ice on its dish, as inclement weather interferes with the telescope's functioning.


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