チェルシー・ルーズのインスタグラム(chelseanicholerude) - 7月11日 13時07分

Grades are a funny thing.

Put broadly, grades help us create a path for ourselves and help us measure our progress. But grades aren’t the ‘be-all-end-all,’ and it’s extremely important to remember that and not get too lasered into them.

With that said, they can be things that we are extremely proud of; not the grade itself per se, but the meaning behind it in our personal journey. And this is exactly what leads me to this post.

Throughout my career, I’ve had people look at me and judge my climbing ability based on my looks. The other week while guiding, a dude said “of course you haven’t been to _ wall because it’s only .12’s and .13’s” after I gave him directions to a specific wall and admitted i had never been.

Whether it's because I’m a woman or because my body doesn’t match the average ‘strong climber’ body, this happens to me all of the time when I’m guiding...and frankly I’m really tired of it.

I’m really fucking proud of what I have accomplished in climbing. I want to scream my accomplishments in terms of grades at these ignorant people. But you should know that at the heart of it all, it’s not the grades themselves that I’m most proud of. It’s the work that went into those accomplishments; work that most of those ignorant dudes can’t dream of. And of course those ignorant people don’t consider anything beyond the grades themselves.

So here’s me ‘screaming’ at all those ignorant people that judge my climbing ability off of the way I look…

I have onsighted multiple 5.13c’s...not just in one climbing area, but across the world. One of the coolest moments for me in climbing was onsighting The Madness at the RRG and right afterwards watching Daniel Woods try for the onsight and coming up short. I wasn’t stoked that he failed at the onsight; more so that someone so talented fell off of the same challenge I just successfully completed. My mind was blown.

Yes, I’ve also sent numerous 5.14’s. I have also been the first female ascensionist on a couple 5.14a’s, sent my first 5.14a on my 3rd attempt (no it’s not soft), and have sent up to 5.14b.

All with this body and mind. 🎤😅


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