ジェマ・アトキンソンのインスタグラム(glouiseatkinson) - 5月15日 01時27分

This #throwback is me having a hair check 7yrs ago on (I think) my 3rd calendar in Thailand. Looking at this pic makes me think that firstly, I want to go brunette again & secondly I now know what my parents / older relatives meant when they caught me stuffing my face and they said "just you wait until you get older, you won't get away with that" they were all bloody right!!! This pic was before I started training & eating properly. I went to the gym a few times a week and I had chippy teas, pizza, alcohol, bread and chocolate when I felt like it without thinking anything of it. Although I didn't feel as good or as energised as I do now (I felt quite tired & sluggish in fact) I wasn't at all over weight.
I know I'm not over weight now either, and I'm happy with how I look but now I have to put in the gym time consistently and those chippy teas & pizzas & nights out are only once every few weeks if that! It's crazy how harder it is to maintain our physiques the older we get. I know I'm only 30 and that's not old at all but man I'd love to have my 23 yr old metabolism back! ?
So to all you 20 yr olds scoffing pizza every day "just you wait until your 30 odd, you won't get away with it" ?


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