ジェマ・アトキンソンのインスタグラム(glouiseatkinson) - 5月12日 20時35分

Lots of people tend to ask "how do you stay in shape" "what's your secret" there is none! We all have 24 hrs in the day to work with. MAKE TIME to fit in a work out or prep some food. Kids, jobs, dogs, chores are all too easy an excuse not too (I've used them in the past believe me!) Since joining Emmerdale Ive had to make adjustments and now start my day at 5am as apposed to 6.30am to ensure my training stays on point. I do it as feeling good, healthy and energised along with feeling confident is a priority to me. It helps me with all the other things I have to do in my day. Make the time or don't, it's that simple. As Nike says, JUST DO IT!


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