メアリー・モーサのインスタグラム(missmarymmouser) - 5月14日 17時52分

I try to be extra careful about those I surround myself with because I know that I pick up traits from every person I know or love or once knew. I find myself with new tastes for foods I never liked before and an odd new affinity for a movie genre that once was unappealing. It's a good thing in many ways because I find myself learning and growing and changing with every conversation but there are bad parts too like I'll throw a blanket over my lap and wonder when I started needing a blanket on my lap every time I sat down to read and I remember the person who gave that quality to me like a hand-me-down t-shirt or a book read many times over by another. I collect habits (twisting the ring on my right hand over and over or picking at my nail polish till its gone) like most people collect coins or postcards. Even if the memory is a tad sour, I smile remembering it all the same. So know that if I trust you enough to accidentally pick up the way you toy with the split ends of your hair or I start saying that thing you say all the time, it's not an offense or an attempt to copy, it's the deepest form compliment I can try to give when words are tough. [1:30am thoughts I have, ft. kitten being adorable as per usual]


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