フィービー・ディ・トマソのインスタグラム(phoebeditommaso) - 4月28日 18時41分

Epic View. Epic Workout.
Tomorrow, your final Trainer Throwdown comes via the one & only @Kirsty Godso.. and it's a cracker! ? You're on the final stretch until N+TC Tour Sydney. So give this workout a go, it might even be your final HIIT out before Saturday ?? You'll need to make sure you have approx 15-20 metres length of space for this workout, dumbbells & a medicine ball (just switch up the exercises if you don't have access to the equipment though!) Warmup with the 5min 'Dynamic Warmup' on the N+TC app under 'Get Focused' to get your body ready for the circuit ahead.
4 rounds of:
• Broad jump to chest to floor burpee 10 forward, 10 back
• Plank row to rotation with 4-8kg dumbbell x 10 each side
• Single leg clock squats x 20 each leg
• Lateral shuffles with 5 tricep push-ups at the end of each length x 4 (1 length = the length of your space)
• Squat jump with overhead med ball press x 10
• Bear crawl: 20 paces forward, 20 paces back in reverse (stay facing the same direction for both)
Recover for 2mins then repeat.

Time each round so you can try and knock off a few seconds each time you go through the Circuit!
Good Luck! ?? We'll see you on Saturday.

#bearcrawls #bridges #NTCfit #wednesdayworkout @Nike Women


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