エイミー・デビッドソンのインスタグラム(amy_davidson) - 4月23日 22時37分

Please join us for a 14 day IG challenge. It doesn't matter what shape you are in or what size you are, you can do yoga! It's all about finding a version of the asana that is right for you and your body!

We have designed this 14 day challenge with the help of the amazing @jessicaolie to help you do just that!

We welcome all levels and we have some great prizes!

To enter :

tag your friends and repost this image! AND follow all hosts!

Post your version of the asana each day. Please use props and any modifications needed to make the asana SAFE!

Make sure you tag and Follow the hosts and sponsors:

@エイミー・デビッドソン @ania_75 @rebekahletch And sponsors:
@letsstartyoga And lastly, use the hashtag #findyourasana so we can all share your journey.

We will be giving away three prizes to three lucky winners! -The first prize will be a $500 voucher from Dharma Bums and an copy of Jess #letsstartyoga e book -The two runners up will receive a pair of Dharma Bums Leggings and a copy of @jessicaolie #letsstartyoga

Winners will be chosen from out of the people that participate every day. Remember we are not looking for perfect asana, we are looking for the asana that is perfect for you and your body!

The challenge starts on the 27th April and finishes on the 10th May.
We look forward to seeing you on the mat. ??


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



