エイミー・デビッドソンのインスタグラム(amy_davidson) - 11月10日 04時41分

I don't really ever talk about makeup. Skincare, sometimes. BUT, I found a mascara too good not to share!! I had never heard of @essence_cosmetics when I stumbled upon an article about the best tubing mascaras. I thought "Bye Bye Panda Eye" from Essence Cosmetics sounded too funny not to give it a try. I wouldn't say it's a tubing mascara, but I don't care, it's too good and I am now a fan. Like geeking out over this mascara and telling anyone who will listen! 😅 First, it's $5.00! Say what?!! Second it does not flake, it doesn't clump, it DOES however go on more smoothly than any mascara I've ever used. I've tried it all from Dior to Cover Girl and now Essence. $5.00! It's in my stories. I've linked it. Not a ad, a PSA!! 😂 You're welcome! 😜😘😍Oh, and sorry for the bad angles in my video. No idea what I was doing, not a beauty influencer😉😙 just a mascara geek.

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