シャンテル・ヴァンサンテンのインスタグラム(therealshantel) - 4月1日 08時00分

#GratiTuesday I want to say how grateful I am to @bbrittanyrose123 she inspires me everyday! I met her in my @orangetheoryla class. She comes in and works her butt off. She has no excuses and pushes herself to amazing limits. Little did she know she was motivating me and inspiring those around her. See she was born having cerebral palsy but said to me she doesn't want that to ever limit or stop her. She has been bullied and called names but refuses to accept it instead she works to better herself each day. Today I asked if I could have the honor of sharing her story because I find myself moved by this amazing girl. I told her her voice matters and just seeing how she lives her life is an example for all of us. Thank you Brittany for being honest, brave and racing me to the top of each hill ;) I am so happy to have met you! There is inspiration all around us... Reach out today and find it! #grateful #awesomeGal

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