何維健のインスタグラム(derrickhoh) - 3月30日 15時24分

真的很难得我能够和华纳和摩得娛樂的同事同时一起出差~想要借这张难得的合照来感谢你们多年来为我的演艺生涯增添了那么多美好的回忆还有给了我那么多的支持和鼓励~我一个人不可能走到今天~? And then there's THE team from @warnermusicsingapore and @modeent giving me great support for so many years in my career. It's such a rare occasion for me to travel with every single one of you like that which makes this photo extremely rare~ We are obviously missing some important members like @lingfangleo but I would like make good use of this welfie to thank you for being there for my musical journey all this time from the very beginning. The support is more than I can ever ask for~ which is why I am so grateful for every single bit of them~
Also I'm extremely proud of @reubyofficial for grabbing that huge a** gorgeous trophy which is probably heavier than the amount of rice my family can eat in a month! The boy got talent~ Raw~ but extremely talented~


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



