unicefのインスタグラム(unicef) - 2月26日 02時21分

In #Liberia students perform a dramatization of Sara, Let’s Speak Out, an illustrated book launched by #UNICEF and the Government showing children how they can help prevent and end child rape. The book tells the story of Kema, a Liberian schoolgirl who has been raped by an older man in her community. Kema is reluctant to discuss the incident until a classmate, Sara, reaches out to her. With Sara’s support, Kema tells her teacher, her parents and eventually the local police about the crime, who arrest the perpetrator.The book underscores the importance of communities in changing people’s perspectives on rape, from seeing it as a private matter to seeing it as a criminal offence. © UNICEF/NYHQ2014-3509/Gordon

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