Saghar Setarehのインスタグラム(labnoon) - 2月19日 05時16分

Today I roasted a large cauliflower, a leek, 2 small carrots, 2 cloves of garlic in their skin and one apple, with some rosemary & thyme for an hour. Then mashed everything with some well seasoned hot water, a tsp of tahini, some chili and then served with some pomegranate seed, fresh parsely and sesame. It turned a HUGE batch, that's why I'm eating it now for #dinner too and I don't think I can finish it!
Do you eat lunch's leftovers at dinner? What are you having now?
#LabNoon #LabNoonFood


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




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