ダニエル・ノリスのインスタグラム(danielnorris18) - 2月18日 14時02分

It was my first year of living the #vanlife & I had just gotten kicked off the beach around 11:30. With crusty eyes & tired bones I rolled into the nearest hotel parking lot & tucked away in the back corner. Too tired to even crawl back to the bottom bunk I began to drift into my long awaited slumber while slouched in the drivers seat. Just as my chin nestled into my shoulder I got a knock on the window. "You checkin in, maaaaaan?" - "uh, nah" 'Well, you can't crash here if you're not payin, bud' (2 times in one night I was getting booted.) I fumbled for my keys when the man inquired a second time. "You surf?" He asked as he craned his neck checkin out my board in the back. 'Yea, dude. Little bit(at the time)' "Ah, maaaaan. Right on. Come on in we'll have some coffee & chat" ~ long story short. This dude right here has been one of the coolest guys I've met in my journey. He's given me free grab of any board in his quiver when I need it. He's given me late night coffee, conversation, insight & a whole buncha tips on how to throw my curveball. Such a rad dude & tonight I got to take his portrait with my new Canon 5D Mark iii. Fitting, I thought, because this gnarly dudes face tells one heck of a story. #jklivin


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