ダニエル・ノリスのインスタグラム(danielnorris18) - 2月14日 12時58分

If this light was your dream would you climb that pole? What if you lost grip & got some wicked splinters? Would you climb back up? Say you get past the splinters but those power lines get in the way.. Would you find a way around them? What if you overcome all those obstacles & you finally grab that light but it's way too hot to hold.. Would you throw your dream away that quickly? Or would you find a way to make it work? - So many questions. Only one answer. YES. the answer is YES because YES is necessary. You have to be willing to go above & beyond to achieve your dreams. No excuses. No explanations. TAKE IT. & when people tell you climbing that pole is too dangerous.. Impossible, even. Look at them & say WATCH ME. #jkl #takeit


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