デイン・クックのインスタグラム(danecook) - 1月20日 09時08分

Contest time:
I'm going to post both pix. Whichever gets more LIKES by tonight wins. If your team wins your dreams have a better chance of coming true so vote my loves.
Would I be a better...
A: Possessed Superman with Mini Kool-Aid sidekick.
B: Leather jacket Knight on the town Batman with time traveling abilities.

Think hard. Superman is already powerful but possessed he's got zero need to hold back making him more terrifying and less interested in the rules of war or upholding justice. Mini-Kool harnesses the power of delicious juice and has OH YEAH power which summons other tight wearing juice jugs.
Batman with knowledge of future events coupled with his intelligence makes him an all knowing being. Plus he is a vigilante with no tolerance for losing.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



