クリス・シャーマのインスタグラム(chris_sharma) - 1月15日 05時42分

It's been so inspiring seeing @トミー・コールドウェル and @kjorgeson realize their quest on the Dawn Wall. I had the opportunity to spend a few days with them on it last year and can personally attest to how overwhelmingly hard and long that route is. Also super psyched from my friends @brettlowell @coreyrichproductions @joshlowell @bigupclimbing for being there to capture and share the magic with the world. This shot of Tommy and I from 1995 or so was from my first real road trip around the western US. We went around ticking off most of the hardest routes in the country at the time. I learned a lot from him about working on projects and how hard you have to work and how patient and dedicated you need to be. Its so great to see those principles come to fruition on such a large scale. Congrats guys!

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