ケイラ・アイトサインズのインスタグラム(kayla_itsines) - 1月10日 20時31分

? OMG I LOVE THIS REVIEW from @sisterfitness1310 ? " I can't wait for to start this torture all over again!! I am 32 and a mother of two and never ever have been in better shape and I have never had more energy!! I love my life!! I get up everyday looking forward to getting out of bed, I look forward to my yummy healthy breakfast, I look forward to you challenging me at the gym and I look forward to what 2015 will bring! I am no longer on anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medication. I no longer drink alcohol to soothe my misery. I no longer take crazy diet pills or jump on fad diets. I just simply live the kayla lifestyle. I live it and I preach it!! I probably have 30+ woman I know all doing your workout too!! I love that I can inspire others the way YOU have inspired me!! Thank you kayla for changing my ENTIRE LIFE!!" www.kaylaitsines.com/guides (tag YOUR progress with #bbgprogress #thekaylamovement )


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Yumi Wongのインスタグラム
Yumi Wongさんがフォロー
