レイ・アレンのインスタグラム(trayfour) - 1月5日 06時28分

Thank you @atg_dutch26 for posting this. I've known Stuart Scott for 20 years and I have always admired him for creating his own path. Most of us young men had dreams of playing at the highest level in our sport, but Stu also made us wanna call the game because he made it so cool, He made us all want to be a broadcaster. He lived a full life in a short 49 years. I hope you all are paying attention. As his life on earth has ended I'm sure he wouldve given anything to have another day with his daughters. The money doesn't matter nor does what you do for a living. Share your lives with the ones you love and don't waste them on the things that don't matter. Father Time is undefeated. #StuartScott


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