Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 12月20日 23時11分

"I'm smiling because I pulled a trigger and a beautiful Lion died..."
-- Said the idiot on the picture. We should get her a Nintendo and some humanity pills. She didn't hunt him to eat it, she hunted him to satisfy her ego and fill the void of her mediocre existence. She's not a hunter, she's a killer...
La retrasada mental sonríe por que apretó un gatillo y mato a un León. Ella no es una cazadora, ella es una asesina. No cazo para comérselo, cazo para saciar su ego...
Picture by @savingthelion
#savelions #behuman #saveourplanet


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Michelle Lewinのインスタグラム
Michelle Lewinさんがフォロー

Black Jaguar-White Tiger を見た方におすすめの有名人