Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 12月20日 22時39分

GREAT NEWS: My Spider Sense made me took Kal El to the vet and we had to do an enema, he had more than half a pound of cat litter clogging him and what appeared to be cellulose diapers. We unclogged him so he will soon be perfect. In 3 weeks he´ll be able to run and jump as he pleases and now his digestive system seems to be in perfect shape...
SUPER NOTICIAS: Ayer lleve a #babykalel al vet y le tuvimos que vaciar el estomago, encontramos como 300 gramos de arena para gato y un poco de pañales para perro. Lo destapamos y en unas semanas va a estar perfecto corriendo y saltando. Su sistema digestivo parece que ya esta super regular...
#savejaguars #saveourplanet #behuman #superman #catlitterforajaguarcomeonfreakingpeople


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