ケイラ・アイトサインズのインスタグラム(kayla_itsines) - 12月16日 13時47分

? You can send your transformations in at http://help.kaylaitsines.com/ ☺️☺️ I just want to say thankyou so much to all these amazing ladies for sending in their inspirational progress photos. It just goes to show that you don't have to lose a lot of weight to be an inspiration.
Energy, vibes and hard work are contagious. I'm so proud of these girls for changing they way they think, they way they act and the way they view life.
LIFE is too short to be living as an unhealthy, unhappy and unfit person.
Life is there to be lived!
Life should be filled with love, energy and happiness. Life should not be filled with 'can't' and 'should have's". Life is about getting out of your comfort zone every day and achieving new and better things. Things you thought you would NEVER DO, but you did.
It doesn't matter how small, how little progress or how slow you go... what matters is that you are making a conscious effort to TRY and get back up every time you fall, THAT is what life is about.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




Yumi Wongのインスタグラム
Yumi Wongさんがフォロー
