ラッシャッド・ジェニングスのインスタグラム(rashadjennings) - 12月6日 10時40分

I tread lightly upon this topic as I speak while recognizing that my interpretation of these events is based on limited knowledge of the details. Yet there are some factors in this situation that remain abundantly clear.
While I support our justice system, there is zero denying that this situation is unjust. This man was murdered by a choke-hold that was banned by the department since 1993. The man said several times "I can't breathe!" He wasn't being violent or threatening. Watch the tape. What else was he supposed to say or do? Not to indict the officer who choked Eric Garner is a complete perversion of justice!

Do you know what it feels like when you can’t breathe?

Even if you subtracted color, even if this was skeleton on skeleton, beyond flesh, this would still be completely wrong! We need to pray for our culture, but we also need to gather together and begin to dialog on the value of every human life regardless of race or class, as well as the importance of mutual respect between those who are sworn to uphold the law and those the law was designed to serve and protect.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




