エミリー・ハリントンのインスタグラム(emilyaharrington) - 11月10日 20時57分

After 8 brutally cold and windy days attempting to climb Hkakabo Razi on the Myanmar/Tibet border, the team finally called it quits and is happy to be safely back down enjoying the comforts of basecamp. Here, @renan_ozturk carefully navigates the exposed snow ridge back to high camp above the clouds. Renan, along with @Cory Richards and @md_jenkins, all gave it their absolute best on a summit push - coming close but not close enough - and denying themselves the pleasure of a summit in exchange for all of their fingers and toes, and perhaps even their lives. The wildly convoluted and impossibly long West Ridge on Hkakabo impressed and terrified us all. Climbing to high camp at 18100ft was a ruthless mental and physical battle for me, one that I'm proud to have done and grateful to my teammates who mentored me to get there (and back) safely. This was my first real alpine climb, and it's safe to say it was every bit what it was meant to be, albeit a bit over my head in the end. But that may be the biggest lesson I've taken away: when to know it's time to back off. Thanks again to everyone who's supported and followed us along the way. Even though it feels over, we're still facing the long walk home - literally 120 miles on foot back down through the jungle. We're not done yet.......@ザ・ノースフェイス @ナショナルジオグラフィック #MyanmarClimb


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