National Geographic Travelのインスタグラム(natgeotravel) - 11月4日 22時24分

It's funny how our likes and tastes evolve as we grow older. Autumn was never my favorite season when growing was simply the in-between season (beach and snow). But then I started getting annoyed by the long hot summers, and, well, I still love (and will always love) snow. But I've realized over the past few years that autumn has become my favorite season. I love the end of hot summer days, the anticipation of winter's first snowfall, the incredible leaf changes in the woods, crisp air to where you can see your breath, staying in and keeping warm while it is cold outside. I could go on an on, but let me just put it out there now that I friggin love autumn. I took a long, lazy drive through Shenandoah National Park this past weekend. The leaves had mostly fallen from atop the skyline drive, but in the valley the gold and orange was in full bloom. We managed a nice hike in the woods, and a lot of great driving with some awesome music playing. Perfect way to spend a weekend day. Photo by @magnumji


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