ダニー・ソーシドのインスタグラム(dannysaucedo) - 11月3日 02時27分

If there is something I've learned on this trip then it is that people always think about them selfs first. I dunno if Im the one who should adjust or if it is the world who needs to start caring more. Maybe I care too much. My Mami told me as a kid: " don't get too evolved, it'll only break ya heart one day". But I refuse, I care - a lot.
I know a day will come when we all realize what we've done and will repent all the hearts we've forsaken. Maybe Anubis will usher your soul into the afterlife and place your heart in the weighing scale, and let's pray that your heart is lighter than the feather of truth. ❤️?


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



