ダニー・ソーシドのインスタグラム(dannysaucedo) - 11月2日 21時09分

Homeless and orphans living in the street among piles of garbage and shit. These kids have no one to tuck them in at night, no one who says "I love you", they don't have any money or job. No one cares about these ones. And still they manage to smile. All of a sudden my problems that I might find in my life seem so ridiculous and small. Perspective...
I wouldn't last a day out here.
Today I could stop myself from crying. When I entered the place where they usually sleep (under a bridge) I just couldn't take it anymore.
If we all just took our responsibilities, as fathers, mothers, humans... People need to start caring. When will you realize that GIVING is the best action and feeling there is. ❤️


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