トレーシー・キスのインスタグラム(tracykissdotcom) - 10月15日 02時37分

So this is a snap from a recent shoot, and although it may seem a bit scary it was incredibly fun. Doing a little leg dip with a dragon skull in the fire as you do. We all need to step out of our comfort zone every once in a while, to try something new and experience the unknown. I believe in self improvement, expanding knowledge and understanding and constantly learning, changing and adapting to the world around us. What changes have you made this year? ?✌️??#change #learn #discover #evolve #adapt #improve #accept #grow #understand #learning #adapting #journey #life #growth #understanding #motivate #inspire #onwardsandupwards #love #comfortzone #red #fire #smoke #dragon #skull #black #lipstick #girl #model


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



