ロン・パールマンのインスタグラム(perlmutations) - 10月12日 23時28分

RG @maria_iodice1: In this book #easystreet you find the true beauty of a man. His beauty goes way beyond the visual,his true beauty lies in the condition of his heart.
Little did he know that there was no battle to be won because he's just as beautiful on the outside but like most of us the raging battle that goes On within ,the lies we tell ourselves take time to undo & indeed he won his battle.

I'm emotionally invested in this book because like so many of us I recognise the battle scars. In reading this book I've laughed loud, I've cried deeply & found myself admiring the courage it took to be so honest.
I guess I'll keep writing about this book until you've all brought a fuckin copy!! #easystreet #Ronperlman #amazonbookofthemonth #gobuyacopyoriwillkickyourass #regramapp


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