ロン・パールマンのインスタグラム(perlmutations) - 10月8日 20時46分

RG @maria_iodice1: Last but by no means least #easystreet leads us to this moment in time , this exciting unraveling of a new adventure , dare I say even film history in the making!! Fuck limitation, if anything this book has taught me that keeping on course regardless of circumstances means you can reach for the stars. I've heard from others that Ron's book has had such a profound effect that they are now looking to change inwardly & change the road their life is on , this #book is serving a purpose (no surprise there). There's no need to wish Ron luck with wing & a prayer because his talents speaks volumes, instead I'll say just say; add this to the list of your successes!
#ronperlman #wingandaprayerpictures #regramapp


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